Unit AdDraws

DescriptionusesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


Contains the main Andorra 2D classes for graphic output


Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class EAdIO Exception class raised when having problems while loading/saving something within AdDraws.pas
Class EAdLoadImage Problem that occured while loading an image.
Class EAdSaveImage Problem that occured while saving an image.
Class EAdInterfaceCreation Problem when creating an Andorra interface
Class TAdSurfaceEventList A list class for registering the surface events in TAdDraw.
record TAdPluginPropertyListPointerSet Used internally in TAdPluginProperty list to store set property data.
Class TAdPluginPropertyList List used to store the plugin properties.
Class TAdSurface TAdSurface is the abstract base class for all Andorra 2D surfaces.
Class TAdScene Simple class that copes with scene management.
Class TAdRenderingSurface A basic, abstract surface class that extends TAdSurface and adds its own canvas and scene object.
Class TAdTextureSurface A surface object that allows you to render your graphics in a texture.
record TAdDisplay TAdDisplay represents the video display settings.
Class TAdDraw This is the main class for using Andorra 2D.
Class TAdCustomTexture TAdCustomTexture is the base, abstract texture class.
Class TAdRenderTargetTexture TAdRenderTargetTexture extends TAdCustomTexture.
Class TAdTexture TAdTexture extends TAdCustomTexture and contains a bitmap texture.
Class TAdRectList A list that contains a set of rectangles.
Class TAdCustomImage TAdCustomImage is the base image class.
Class TAdImage A image class that contains a bitmap texture.
Class TAdImageList A list of TAdImage objects.


TAdSurfaceEventState = (...);
TAdSurfaceEvent = procedure(Sender:TObject; AEvent:TAdSurfaceEventState) of object;
PAdSurfaceEvent = ˆTAdSurfaceEvent;



TAdSurfaceEventState = (...);

Specifies the event which called the procedure

  • seInitialize: Triggered when TAdDraw is initialized - all Andorra 2D components should obtain a new Andorra 2D plugin object
  • seInitialized: Triggered after all Andorra 2D components have been initialized
  • seFinalize: Triggered when TAdDraw is finalized - all Andorra 2D components should free their reserved Andorra 2D plugin object because it may not be valid anymore.
  • seBeginScene: Triggered when the "BeginScene" method of TAdDraw is called.
  • seEndScene: Triggered when the "EngScene" method of TAdDraw is called.
TAdSurfaceEvent = procedure(Sender:TObject; AEvent:TAdSurfaceEventState) of object;

The declaration of the surface event handler callback procedure.

PAdSurfaceEvent = ˆTAdSurfaceEvent;

A pointer on TSurfaceEvent

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