Class TAdSurface
type TAdSurface = class(TObject)
TAdSurface is the abstract base class for all Andorra 2D surfaces. A surface represents a kind of virtual picture where drawing operations may target on. In fact, although many drawing operations require a "Surface" parameter, they are not bound to a specific surface, since they allways affect the active surface. A surface is activated by calling the "Activate" function. Graphic operations requiring a "Surface" parameter only call this activate function before performing graphic operations.
See also
- TAdDraw
- This is the main class for using Andorra 2D.
- TAdScene
- Simple class that copes with scene management.
- TAdRenderingSurface
- A basic, abstract surface class that extends TAdSurface and adds its own canvas and scene object.
- TAdTextureSurface
- A surface object that allows you to render your graphics in a texture.
constructor Create(ADraw:TAdDraw); virtual; |
Creates an instance of TAdSurface and links itself to the TAdDraw object. Remember that TAdSurface is only an abstract class and so you should never create an instance of it directly. Use TAdTextureSurface or TAdDraw instead.
procedure Activate; |
Activates the surface so that graphic operations will affect this surface from now on.
procedure Deactivate; |
Deactivates the surface. This procedure is called automatically by the parent TAdDraw when another surface is activated.
function CanDraw:boolean; virtual; abstract; |
Returns wheteher the surface is able to be activated and used.
property Activated: boolean read FActivated; |
Indicates wheter the surface is currently activated or not.
property Parent: TAdDraw read FDraw; |
Pointer on the parent AdDraw.

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