Unit AdSprites

DescriptionusesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


Contains the Andorra SpriteEngine System.


Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TSpriteList A list, which contains sprites.
Class TAd2DSpriteList A list used to optimize the spriteengine
Class TAdSpriteCollisionTester  
Class TAdSpritePixelCollisionTester  
Class TSprite The sprite engines base class.
Class TSpriteEngine The spriteengine itsself.
Class TImageSprite A sprite which draws sprites.
Class TImageSpriteEx An extended sprite which draws sprites blended and rotatet.
Class TBackgroundSprite A sprite which draws the background of a scene.
Class TParticleSprite A sprite wrapping around the particle system


TSpriteClass = class of TSprite;
TIntegerArray = array of Integer;
T2DSpriteListArray = array of array of TSpriteList;
TCollisionTyp = (...);
TAdAnimEvent = (...);



TSpriteClass = class of TSprite;

A class of TSprite

TIntegerArray = array of Integer;

Array type used internally by TAd2dSpriteList

T2DSpriteListArray = array of array of TSpriteList;

Matrix that contains a bucket for sprites in each cell.

TCollisionTyp = (...);

Used to specifie the collision optimization method for the sprite engine system.

  • ctOptimized: The sprite system uses optimizations. This mode is up to five times faster than the normal mode. The optimized mode is best suitable for games with large levels organized in the spriteengine.
  • ctNormal: If you experience any problems with the optimized mode, use this mode to use the old DelphiX-like collision mode.
TAdAnimEvent = (...);

Type that defines the event that happened when the TImageSprite DoAnimEvent method is called.

  • aaeStart: The animation starts to playback the first time
  • aaeStop: The playback of the animation stopped
  • aaeLoop: The playback of the animation starts again

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