Class TParticleSprite




type TParticleSprite = class(TSprite)


A sprite wrapping around the particle system




Public constructor Create(AParent:TSprite); override;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure Emit(ACount:integer);


Public property PartSys: TAdParticleSystem read FPartSys;
Public property EmissionCount: integer read FEmissionCount write SetEmissionCount;
Public property Image: TAdImage read FImage write SetImage;
Public property EmissionX: double read FEmissionX write FEmissionX;
Public property EmissionY: double read FEmissionY write FEmissionY;
Public property AutoDeath: boolean read FAutoDeath write FAutoDeath;



Public constructor Create(AParent:TSprite); override;

Creates an instance of TParticleSprite

Public destructor Destroy; override;

Destroys the instance of TParticleSprite

Public procedure Emit(ACount:integer);

Emits an amout of particles


Public property PartSys: TAdParticleSystem read FPartSys;

Returns the particle system the sprite uses. Read only.

Public property EmissionCount: integer read FEmissionCount write SetEmissionCount;

If the property is not zero, n particles may be created

Public property Image: TAdImage read FImage write SetImage;

The Image the particle system uses

Public property EmissionX: double read FEmissionX write FEmissionX;

May be used to move the point where the particles are created. Normaly it is zero, and the particles are created in the center of the sprite

Public property EmissionY: double read FEmissionY write FEmissionY;

May be used to move the point where the particles are created. Normaly it is zero, and the particles are created in the center of the sprite

Public property AutoDeath: boolean read FAutoDeath write FAutoDeath;

If true (preset), the sprite may automaticly free itsself, when there are no particles. Logo

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