Description | Hierarchy | Fields | Methods | Properties |
type TImageSpriteEx = class(TImageSprite)
An extended sprite which draws sprites blended and rotatet.
constructor Create(AParent:TSprite); override; |
property Alpha: double read FAlpha write SetAlpha; |
property Angle: double read FAngle write SetAngle; |
property Color: LongInt read FColor write SetColor; |
property RotationCenterX: double read FRotationCenterX write SetRotationCenterX; |
property RotationCenterY: double read FRotationCenterY write SetRotationCenterY; |
constructor Create(AParent:TSprite); override; |
Creates an instance of TImageSpriteEx |
property Alpha: double read FAlpha write SetAlpha; |
The alpha blend value of the sprite |
property Angle: double read FAngle write SetAngle; |
The rotation angle from 0 to 360. |
property Color: LongInt read FColor write SetColor; |
The color of the sprite |
property RotationCenterX: double read FRotationCenterX write SetRotationCenterX; |
The x-rotation center |
property RotationCenterY: double read FRotationCenterY write SetRotationCenterY; |
The y-rotation center |