Class TAdShader




type TAdShader = class(TObject)


The TAdShader class represents a single vertex or fragment (pixel) shader program in the Andorra 2D application. The TAdShader class abstracts the TAd2dShader plugin interface. You are able to use your preferred shader language. But remember that not every shader language is supported by each rendering plugin. For example, the DirectX-Plugin is capable of executing HLSL and CG shaders, the OpenGL plugin is able to run GLSL and CG shaders.
To load and compile a shader follow the following steps:

See also
Andorra 2D's main shader system class.




Public constructor Create(AShaderSystem: TAdShaderSystem);
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public function SupportsShaderLanguage(ALanguage: TAdVeryShortString): boolean;
Public procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);
Public procedure LoadFromStrings(AStrs: TStrings);
Public procedure LoadFromString(AStr: string);
Public procedure LoadFromFile(AFile: string);
Public function CompileProgram(AShaderLanguage: TAdVeryShortString; AProgramName: string; AShaderType: TAd2dShaderType): boolean;
Public procedure BindEffect;
Public procedure UnbindEffect;
Public procedure SetParameter(AName: string; AValue: single); overload;
Public procedure SetParameter(AName: string; AValue: integer); overload;
Public procedure SetParameter(AName: string; AValue: TAdMatrix); overload;
Public procedure SetParameter(AName: string; AValue: TAd2dTexture); overload;
Public procedure SetParameter(AName: string; AValue: TAndorraColor); overload;
Public procedure SetParameter(AName: string; AValue: TAdVector3); overload;
Public procedure SetParameter(AName: string; AValue: TAdVector4); overload;
Public procedure SetParameter(AName: string; AValue: TAdVector2); overload;


Public property Shader: TAd2dShader read FShader;
Public property ShaderLanguage: TAdVeryShortString read FShaderLanguage;
Public property ShaderType: TAd2dShaderType read FShaderType;
Public property ProgramName: string read FProgramName;



Public constructor Create(AShaderSystem: TAdShaderSystem);

Creates an instance of TAdShader, linked to the shader system defined in the "AShaderSystem" parameter. So before freeing TAdShaderSystem, always destroy the shader objects linked to it.

Public destructor Destroy; override;

Destroys the instance of TAdShader and frees its reserved memory and shader objects.

Public function SupportsShaderLanguage(ALanguage: TAdVeryShortString): boolean;

Returns whether a shader language is supported.

is the shader id consiting of maximal four letters. Currently supported shader languages are:


HLSL is the shader language integrated in D3D.


GLSL is the shader language integrated in OpenGL.


The CG-Shader language developed by Nvidea, can be used simultaneously with D3D and OpenGL

See also
Compiles the program loaded by the "LoadFrom" functions.
Public procedure LoadFromStream(AStream: TStream);

Loads the shader sourcecode from a stream.

Public procedure LoadFromStrings(AStrs: TStrings);

Loads the shader sourcecode from a string list.

Public procedure LoadFromString(AStr: string);

Loads the shader sourcecode from a single string.

Public procedure LoadFromFile(AFile: string);

Loads the shader sourcecode from the specified file.

Public function CompileProgram(AShaderLanguage: TAdVeryShortString; AProgramName: string; AShaderType: TAd2dShaderType): boolean;

Compiles the program loaded by the "LoadFrom" functions.

specifies the language the shader sourcecode is written in
specifies the name of the main function that is used by the shader language.
specifies whether you want to use the shader as a vertex or a fragment (pixel) shader.
Exceptions raised
if the shader language is not supported.
See also
Returns whether a shader language is supported.
Loads the shader sourcecode from a stream.
Loads the shader sourcecode from the specified file.
Loads the shader sourcecode from a single string.
Loads the shader sourcecode from a string list.
Public procedure BindEffect;

Activates the loaded effect. Remember that only one pixel and one vertex shader can be active at the same time.

Exceptions raised
if the shader is not compiled or not available
Public procedure UnbindEffect;

Deactivate the loaded effect. Depending on the implementation in the graphic system.

Public procedure SetParameter(AName: string; AValue: single); overload;

Sets a "uniform" float parameter in the shader to the specified value.

Exceptions raised
if the shader is not compiled or not available
Public procedure SetParameter(AName: string; AValue: integer); overload;

Sets a "uniform" integer parameter in the shader to the specified value.

Exceptions raised
if the shader is not compiled or not available
Public procedure SetParameter(AName: string; AValue: TAdMatrix); overload;

Sets a "uniform" 4x4 float matrix parameter in the shader to the specified value.

Exceptions raised
if the shader is not compiled or not available
Public procedure SetParameter(AName: string; AValue: TAd2dTexture); overload;

Sets a "uniform" sampler2D parameter in the shader to the specified Andorra 2D texture.

Exceptions raised
if the shader is not compiled or not available
Public procedure SetParameter(AName: string; AValue: TAndorraColor); overload;

Sets a "uniform" float4 parameter in the shader to the specified Andorra 2D color.

Exceptions raised
if the shader is not compiled or not available
Public procedure SetParameter(AName: string; AValue: TAdVector3); overload;

Sets a "uniform" float3 parameter in the shader to the specified vector.

Exceptions raised
if the shader is not compiled or not available
Public procedure SetParameter(AName: string; AValue: TAdVector4); overload;

Sets a "uniform" float4 parameter in the shader to the specified vector.

Exceptions raised
if the shader is not compiled or not available
Public procedure SetParameter(AName: string; AValue: TAdVector2); overload;

Sets a "uniform" float2 parameter in the shader to the specified vector.

Exceptions raised
if the shader is not compiled or not available


Public property Shader: TAd2dShader read FShader;

Pointer on the internal shader object returned by the graphic plugin. It is not recommended to use this direct way if you don't know exactly what you're doing.

See also
The abstract shader class that is created by a shader system.
Public property ShaderLanguage: TAdVeryShortString read FShaderLanguage;

The language the loaded shader is written in.

Public property ShaderType: TAd2dShaderType read FShaderType;

The type of the currently loaded shader - vertex or fragment shader.

Public property ProgramName: string read FProgramName;

The name of the currently loaded shader main function. Logo

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