Description | uses | Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records | Functions and Procedures | Types | Constants | Variables |
Contains some standard types used everywhere in Andorra 2D.
Name | Description |
packed record TAndorraColor |
Andorra 2Ds standard color type. |
packed record TRGBRec |
A standard color type without alpha channel. |
packed record TAdVector2 |
A vector type which has two components. |
packed record TAdVector3 |
A vector type which has three components. |
packed record TAdVector4 |
A vector type containing four components. |
record TAdVertex |
Andorras vertex format |
packed record TAdPoint |
A replacement for TPoint. |
packed record TAdPointEx |
A point which contains its coordinates as float values |
packed record TAdRect |
A replacement for TRect. |
packed record TAdRectEx |
A TAdRect with float values. |
record TAdTextSetChar |
Record used for type setting. |
record TAdDisplayProperties |
Defines the properties of the window |
Class TAdRenderingObject |
Objects derived from this class provide a set of render events. |
function AdBounds(X,Y,Width,Height:LongInt):TAdRect; |
function AdBoundsEx(X,Y,Width,Height:double):TAdRectEx; |
procedure AdOffsetRect(var Rect:TAdRect; X, Y:LongInt); |
function AdRect(X1,Y1,X2,Y2:LongInt):TAdRect; overload; inline; |
function AdRect(X1,Y1,X2,Y2:double):TAdRect; overload; inline; |
function AdRectEx(X1,Y1,X2,Y2:double):TAdRectEx; inline; |
function AdPoint(X,Y:LongInt):TAdPoint; overload; inline; |
function AdPoint(X,Y:double):TAdPoint; overload; inline; |
function CompareRects(const Rect1,Rect2:TAdRect):boolean; |
function OverlapRect(const Rect1, Rect2: TAdRect): boolean; |
function InRect(const X, Y: integer; const Rect: TAdRect): boolean; |
function CalcOverlapRect(out AO: TAdRect; const AR1, AR2: TAdRect): boolean; |
function AdVector3(AX,AY,AZ:double):TAdVector3; overload; |
function AdVector3(AVec: TAdVector2; AZ: double): TAdVector3; overload; |
function AdVector4(AX, AY, AZ, AW:double):TAdVector4; overload; |
function AdVector4(AVec: TAdVector3; AW: double): TAdVector4; overload; |
function AdVector2(AX,AY:double):TAdVector2; |
function Ad_ARGB(a,r,g,b:byte):TAndorraColor; |
function Ad_RGB(r,g,b:byte):TAndorraColor; |
function AdSetAlpha(AAlpha: byte; ACol: Longint):TAndorraColor; overload; |
function AdSetAlpha(AAlpha: byte; ACol: TAndorraColor):TAndorraColor; overload; |
function AdColorToString(AColor:TAndorraColor): AnsiString; |
function StringToAdColor(AString: AnsiString):TAndorraColor; |
function AdColorToColor(AAdColor:TAndorraColor):Longint; |
function ColorToAdColor(AColor:LongInt):TAndorraColor; |
function RGB(r,g,b:byte):Longint; |
function GetRValue(AColor:LongInt):byte; |
function GetGValue(AColor:LongInt):byte; |
function GetBValue(AColor:LongInt):byte; |
function CompareColors(col1,col2:TAndorraColor):boolean; |
function FloatsEqual(v1, v2, e:double):boolean; overload; |
function FloatsEqual(v1, v2, e:single):boolean; overload; |
function Cut(AValue:integer):byte; |
aclNone = $1FFFFFFF; |
AdMatrix_Clear : TAdMatrix = ((0,0,0,0),(0,0,0,0),(0,0,0,0),(0,0,0,0)); |
AdMatrix_Identity : TAdMatrix = ((1,0,0,0),(0,1,0,0),(0,0,1,0),(0,0,0,1)); |
AdTextureOffset: single = 0; |
function AdBounds(X,Y,Width,Height:LongInt):TAdRect; |
Creates a rectangle of the type "TAdRect" with specific x/y coordinates and a specific width/height |
function AdBoundsEx(X,Y,Width,Height:double):TAdRectEx; |
Creates a rectangle of the type "TAdRectEx" with specific x/y coordinates and a specific width/height |
procedure AdOffsetRect(var Rect:TAdRect; X, Y:LongInt); |
Moves an existing rectangle by X,Y. |
function AdRect(X1,Y1,X2,Y2:LongInt):TAdRect; overload; inline; |
Returns a TAdRect. |
function AdRect(X1,Y1,X2,Y2:double):TAdRect; overload; inline; |
Returns a TAdRect by rounding the coordinates given |
function AdRectEx(X1,Y1,X2,Y2:double):TAdRectEx; inline; |
Returns a TAdRectEx |
function AdPoint(X,Y:LongInt):TAdPoint; overload; inline; |
Returns a TAdPoint |
function AdPoint(X,Y:double):TAdPoint; overload; inline; |
Returns a TAdPoint by rounding the coordinates given |
function CompareRects(const Rect1,Rect2:TAdRect):boolean; |
Returns true when the two rects have the same coordinates. |
function OverlapRect(const Rect1, Rect2: TAdRect): boolean; |
Returns true, when the two rects overlap themselves. |
function InRect(const X, Y: integer; const Rect: TAdRect): boolean; |
Returns true, if the point lies within the rect |
function CalcOverlapRect(out AO: TAdRect; const AR1, AR2: TAdRect): boolean; |
AO contains the intersection rectangle of the two rectangles. The function returns false if the two rectangles do not overlapp. |
function AdVector3(AX,AY,AZ:double):TAdVector3; overload; |
Returns a vector with three components. |
function AdVector3(AVec: TAdVector2; AZ: double): TAdVector3; overload; |
Returns a vector with three components. |
function AdVector4(AX, AY, AZ, AW:double):TAdVector4; overload; |
Returns a vector with four components. |
function AdVector4(AVec: TAdVector3; AW: double): TAdVector4; overload; |
Returns a vector with four components. |
function AdVector2(AX,AY:double):TAdVector2; |
Returns a vector with two components. |
function Ad_ARGB(a,r,g,b:byte):TAndorraColor; |
Creates an andorra color with the given components. |
function Ad_RGB(r,g,b:byte):TAndorraColor; |
Creates an andorra color with the given components and alpha is set to 255 |
function AdSetAlpha(AAlpha: byte; ACol: Longint):TAndorraColor; overload; |
Allows to change the alpha component of the given color. |
function AdSetAlpha(AAlpha: byte; ACol: TAndorraColor):TAndorraColor; overload; |
Allows to change the alpha component of the given color. |
function AdColorToString(AColor:TAndorraColor): AnsiString; |
Converts a color to a string |
function StringToAdColor(AString: AnsiString):TAndorraColor; |
Converts a string to a color |
function AdColorToColor(AAdColor:TAndorraColor):Longint; |
Converts an Andorra color into a TColor. |
function ColorToAdColor(AColor:LongInt):TAndorraColor; |
Converts a TColor value into an andorra color and sets alpha to 255. |
function RGB(r,g,b:byte):Longint; |
Returns a TColor with the given components. |
function GetRValue(AColor:LongInt):byte; |
Extracts the Red-Value from a TColor value. |
function GetGValue(AColor:LongInt):byte; |
Extracts the Green-Value from a TColor value. |
function GetBValue(AColor:LongInt):byte; |
Extracts the Blue-Value from a TColor value. |
function CompareColors(col1,col2:TAndorraColor):boolean; |
Returns true if the given Andorra Colors are equal. |
function FloatsEqual(v1, v2, e:double):boolean; overload; |
Returns true, when the two floats given lie within the area specified by epsilon. |
function FloatsEqual(v1, v2, e:single):boolean; overload; |
Returns true, when the two floats given lie within the area specified by epsilon. |
function Cut(AValue:integer):byte; |
Converts an integer value into a byte value and prevents overflow. |
PAndorraColor = ˆTAndorraColor; |
Pointer type of TAndorraColor |
TRGBARec = TAndorraColor; |
Another name for TAndorraColor. See also
Pointer type of TRGBARec. |
TRGBAArray = array[0..0] of TRGBARec; |
Array used to acces a whole scanline pixel by pixel. |
PRGBAArray = ˆTRGBAArray; |
Pointer type of TRGBAArray. |
PRGBRec = ˆTRGBRec; |
Pointer type of TRGBRec. |
TRGBArray = array[0..0] of TRGBRec; |
Array used to acces a whole scanline pixel by pixel. |
PRGBArray = ˆTRGBArray; |
Pointer type of TRGBArray. |
PAdVector2 = ˆTAdVector2; |
Pointer on TAdVector2 |
PAdVector3 = ˆTAdVector3; |
Pointer on TAdVector3 |
PAdVector4 = ˆTAdVector4; |
Pointer on TAdVector4 |
TAdMatrix = array[0..3] of array[0..3] of single; |
A standard 3x3 matrix. |
PAdVertex = ˆTAdVertex; |
Pointer on TAdVertex |
TAdVertexArray = array of TAdVertex; |
An array of the vertex |
TAdIndexArray = array of Word; |
Represtents an index buffer |
TAdFloatArray = array of Single; |
Represents an array of floats |
PAdPoint = ˆTAdPoint; |
Pointer type of TAdPoint. |
PAdPointEx = ˆTAdPointEx; |
Pointer type of TAdPointEx |
PAdRect = ˆTAdRect; |
Pointer type of TAdRect. |
PAdRectEx = ˆTAdRectEx; |
Pointer type of TAdRectEx |
TAdFontStyle = (...); |
Represents a single style a font may be rendered in. Values
TAdFontStyles = set of TAdFontStyle; |
Set of all three font styles. |
TAdCharPatterns = array[0..255] of TAdRect; |
Array which contains the position of every char of a bitmap font in the texture. |
TAdCharSizes = array[0..255] of TAdPoint; |
Array which stores the size of a char. |
TAdTextSet = array of TAdTextSetChar; |
Array returned by the type setter which returns the texture coordinates and the position/size of each char. |
TAdVeryShortString = string[4]; |
A string with the length of five bytes. |
TAdPolygon = array of TAdPoint; |
A type which represents a polygon |
TAdTriangle = array[0..2] of TAdPoint; |
A type which contains three points |
TAdTriangles = array of TAdTriangle; |
A type which represents a set of triangles |
TAd2dShaderSourceType = (...); |
Specifies the type of the shader sourcecode Values
TAd2dShaderType = (...); |
Specifies the type of the shader program Values
TAdNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object; |
Standard event type. Moved here from AdEvents. |
TAdBeginRenderEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AModelViewProjection: TAdMatrix) of object; |
Event type used by TAdRenderingObject. Parameters
See also
aclNone = $1FFFFFFF; |
AdMatrix_Clear : TAdMatrix = ((0,0,0,0),(0,0,0,0),(0,0,0,0),(0,0,0,0)); |
A matrix which only contains zero values |
AdMatrix_Identity : TAdMatrix = ((1,0,0,0),(0,1,0,0),(0,0,1,0),(0,0,0,1)); |
A identity matrix. |