Description | uses | Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records | Functions and Procedures | Types | Constants | Variables |
Unit which is used for parsing XML-Files. Originally "JclSimpleXML.pas".
Name | Description |
Class EAdSimpleXMLError |
packed record TAdHashElem |
packed record TAdHashRecord |
Class TAdSimpleHashTable |
Class TAdSimpleXMLProp |
Class TAdSimpleXMLProps |
Class TAdSimpleXMLElemsProlog |
Class TAdSimpleXMLElems |
Class TAdSimpleXMLElem |
Class TAdSimpleXMLElemComment |
Class TAdSimpleXMLElemClassic |
Class TAdSimpleXMLElemCData |
Class TAdSimpleXMLElemText |
Class TAdSimpleXMLElemHeader |
Class TAdSimpleXMLElemDocType |
Class TAdSimpleXMLElemSheet |
Class TAdSimpleXML |
function SimpleXMLEncode(const S: String): String; |
procedure SimpleXMLDecode(var S: String; TrimBlanks: Boolean); |
function XMLEncode(const S: String): String; |
function XMLDecode(const S: String): String; |
function EntityEncode(const S: String): String; |
function EntityDecode(const S: String): String; |
TAdOnSimpleXMLParsed = procedure(Sender: TObject; Name: String) of object; |
TAdOnValueParsed = procedure(Sender: TObject; Name, Value: String) of object; |
TAdOnSimpleProgress = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Position, Total: Integer) of object; |
TAdHashKind = (...); |
PAdHashElem = ˆTAdHashElem; |
PAdHashRecord = ˆTAdHashRecord; |
TAdHashList = array [0..25] of PAdHashRecord; |
PAdHashList = ˆTAdHashList; |
TAdSimpleXMLElemCompare = function(Elems: TAdSimpleXMLElems; Index1, Index2: Integer): Integer of object; |
TAdSimpleXMLElemClass = class of TAdSimpleXMLElem; |
TAdSimpleXMLOptions = set of (sxoAutoCreate, sxoAutoIndent, sxoAutoEncodeValue,
sxoAutoEncodeEntity, sxoDoNotSaveProlog, sxoTrimPrecedingTextWhitespace); |
TAdSimpleXMLEncodeEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Value: String) of object; |
TAdSimpleXMLEncodeStreamEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; InStream, OutStream: TStream) of object; |
RsEInvalidXMLElementUnexpectedCharacte =
'Invalid XML Element: Unexpected character in property declaration ("%s" found)'; |
RsEInvalidXMLElementUnexpectedCharacte_ =
'Invalid XML Element: Unexpected character in property declaration. Expecting " or '' but "%s" found'; |
RsEUnexpectedValueForLPos = 'Unexpected value for lPos'; |
RsEInvalidXMLElementExpectedBeginningO = 'Invalid XML Element: Expected beginning of tag but "%s" found'; |
RsEInvalidXMLElementExpectedEndOfTagBu = 'Invalid XML Element: Expected end of tag but "%s" found'; |
RsEInvalidXMLElementMalformedTagFoundn = 'Invalid XML Element: malformed tag found (no valid name)'; |
RsEInvalidXMLElementErroneousEndOfTagE =
'Invalid XML Element: Erroneous end of tag, expecting </%0:s> but </%1:s> found'; |
RsEInvalidCommentExpectedsButFounds = 'Invalid Comment: expected "%0:s" but found "%1:s"'; |
RsEInvalidCommentNotAllowedInsideComme = 'Invalid Comment: "--" not allowed inside comments'; |
RsEInvalidCommentUnexpectedEndOfData = 'Invalid Comment: Unexpected end of data'; |
RsEInvalidCDATAExpectedsButFounds = 'Invalid CDATA: expected "%0:s" but found "%1:s"'; |
RsEInvalidCDATAUnexpectedEndOfData = 'Invalid CDATA: Unexpected end of data'; |
RsEInvalidHeaderExpectedsButFounds = 'Invalid Header: expected "%0:s" but found "%1:s"'; |
RsEInvalidStylesheetExpectedsButFounds = 'Invalid Stylesheet: expected "%0:s" but found "%1:s"'; |
RsEInvalidStylesheetUnexpectedEndOfDat = 'Invalid Stylesheet: Unexpected end of data'; |
RsEInvalidDocumentUnexpectedTextInFile = 'Invalid Document: Unexpected text in file prolog'; |
function XMLEncode(const S: String): String; |
function XMLDecode(const S: String): String; |
function EntityEncode(const S: String): String; |
Encodes special characters (', ", <, > and &) into XML entities (@apos;, ", <, > and &) |
function EntityDecode(const S: String): String; |
Decodes XML entities (@apos;, ", <, > and &) into special characters (', ", <, > and &) |
TAdOnSimpleXMLParsed = procedure(Sender: TObject; Name: String) of object; |
TAdOnValueParsed = procedure(Sender: TObject; Name, Value: String) of object; |
TAdOnSimpleProgress = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Position, Total: Integer) of object; |
TAdHashKind = (...); |
Those hash stuffs are for future use only Plans are to replace current hash by this mechanism Values
PAdHashElem = ˆTAdHashElem; |
PAdHashRecord = ˆTAdHashRecord; |
TAdHashList = array [0..25] of PAdHashRecord; |
PAdHashList = ˆTAdHashList; |
TAdSimpleXMLElemCompare = function(Elems: TAdSimpleXMLElems; Index1, Index2: Integer): Integer of object; |
TAdSimpleXMLElemClass = class of TAdSimpleXMLElem; |
TAdSimpleXMLOptions = set of (sxoAutoCreate, sxoAutoIndent, sxoAutoEncodeValue,
sxoAutoEncodeEntity, sxoDoNotSaveProlog, sxoTrimPrecedingTextWhitespace); |
TAdSimpleXMLEncodeEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Value: String) of object; |
TAdSimpleXMLEncodeStreamEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; InStream, OutStream: TStream) of object; |
RsEInvalidXMLElementUnexpectedCharacte =
'Invalid XML Element: Unexpected character in property declaration ("%s" found)'; |
RsEInvalidXMLElementUnexpectedCharacte_ =
'Invalid XML Element: Unexpected character in property declaration. Expecting " or '' but "%s" found'; |
RsEUnexpectedValueForLPos = 'Unexpected value for lPos'; |
RsEInvalidXMLElementExpectedBeginningO = 'Invalid XML Element: Expected beginning of tag but "%s" found'; |
RsEInvalidXMLElementExpectedEndOfTagBu = 'Invalid XML Element: Expected end of tag but "%s" found'; |
RsEInvalidXMLElementMalformedTagFoundn = 'Invalid XML Element: malformed tag found (no valid name)'; |
RsEInvalidXMLElementErroneousEndOfTagE =
'Invalid XML Element: Erroneous end of tag, expecting </%0:s> but </%1:s> found'; |
RsEInvalidCommentExpectedsButFounds = 'Invalid Comment: expected "%0:s" but found "%1:s"'; |
RsEInvalidCommentNotAllowedInsideComme = 'Invalid Comment: "--" not allowed inside comments'; |
RsEInvalidCommentUnexpectedEndOfData = 'Invalid Comment: Unexpected end of data'; |
RsEInvalidCDATAExpectedsButFounds = 'Invalid CDATA: expected "%0:s" but found "%1:s"'; |
RsEInvalidCDATAUnexpectedEndOfData = 'Invalid CDATA: Unexpected end of data'; |
RsEInvalidHeaderExpectedsButFounds = 'Invalid Header: expected "%0:s" but found "%1:s"'; |
RsEInvalidStylesheetExpectedsButFounds = 'Invalid Stylesheet: expected "%0:s" but found "%1:s"'; |
RsEInvalidStylesheetUnexpectedEndOfDat = 'Invalid Stylesheet: Unexpected end of data'; |
RsEInvalidDocumentUnexpectedTextInFile = 'Invalid Document: Unexpected text in file prolog'; |