Class TAdSimpleXMLElems




type TAdSimpleXMLElems = class(TObject)





Public constructor Create(const AOwner: TAdSimpleXMLElem);
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure Notify(Value: TAdSimpleXMLElem; Operation: TOperation);
Public function Add(const Name: string): TAdSimpleXMLElemClassic; overload;
Public function Add(const Name, Value: string): TAdSimpleXMLElemClassic; overload;
Public function Add(const Name: string; const Value: Int64): TAdSimpleXMLElemClassic; overload;
Public function Add(const Name: string; const Value: Boolean): TAdSimpleXMLElemClassic; overload;
Public function Add(const Name: string; const Value: TStream): TAdSimpleXMLElemClassic; overload;
Public function Add(const Name: string; const Value: Extended): TAdSimpleXMLElemClassic; overload;
Public function Add(Value: TAdSimpleXMLElem): TAdSimpleXMLElem; overload;
Public function AddFirst(Value: TAdSimpleXMLElem): TAdSimpleXMLElem; overload;
Public function AddFirst(const Name: string): TAdSimpleXMLElemClassic; overload;
Public function AddComment(const Name: string; const Value: string): TAdSimpleXMLElemComment;
Public function AddCData(const Name: string; const Value: string): TAdSimpleXMLElemCData;
Public function AddText(const Name: string; const Value: string): TAdSimpleXMLElemText;
Public function Insert(Value: TAdSimpleXMLElem; Index: Integer): TAdSimpleXMLElem; overload;
Public function Insert(const Name: string; Index: Integer): TAdSimpleXMLElemClassic; overload;
Public procedure Clear; virtual;
Public procedure Delete(const Index: Integer); overload;
Public procedure Delete(const Name: string); overload;
Public procedure Move(const CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer);
Public function IndexOf(const Value: TAdSimpleXMLElem): Integer; overload;
Public function IndexOf(const Value: string): Integer; overload;
Public function Value(const Name: string; Default: string = ''): string;
Public function IntValue(const Name: string; Default: Int64 = -1): Int64;
Public function BoolValue(const Name: string; Default: Boolean = True): Boolean;
Public function FloatValue(const Name: string; Default: Extended = -1): Extended;
Public procedure BinaryValue(const Name: string; const Stream: TStream);
Public function LoadFromStream(const Stream: TStream; AParent: TAdSimpleXML = nil): string;
Public procedure SaveToStream(const Stream: TStream; const Level: string = ''; AParent: TAdSimpleXML = nil);
Public procedure Sort;
Public procedure CustomSort(AFunction: TAdSimpleXMLElemCompare);


Public property Parent: TAdSimpleXMLElem read FParent write FParent;
Public property Item[const Index: Integer]: TAdSimpleXMLElem read GetItem;
Public property ItemNamed[const Name: string]: TAdSimpleXMLElem read GetItemNamed;
Public property Count: Integer read GetCount;



Public constructor Create(const AOwner: TAdSimpleXMLElem);
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public procedure Notify(Value: TAdSimpleXMLElem; Operation: TOperation);

Use notify to indicate to a list that the given element is removed from the list so that it doesn't delete it as well as the one that insert it in itself. This method is automatically called by AddChild and AddChildFirst if the Container property of the given element is set.

Public function Add(const Name: string): TAdSimpleXMLElemClassic; overload;
Public function Add(const Name, Value: string): TAdSimpleXMLElemClassic; overload;
Public function Add(const Name: string; const Value: Int64): TAdSimpleXMLElemClassic; overload;
Public function Add(const Name: string; const Value: Boolean): TAdSimpleXMLElemClassic; overload;
Public function Add(const Name: string; const Value: TStream): TAdSimpleXMLElemClassic; overload;
Public function Add(const Name: string; const Value: Extended): TAdSimpleXMLElemClassic; overload;
Public function Add(Value: TAdSimpleXMLElem): TAdSimpleXMLElem; overload;
Public function AddFirst(Value: TAdSimpleXMLElem): TAdSimpleXMLElem; overload;
Public function AddFirst(const Name: string): TAdSimpleXMLElemClassic; overload;
Public function AddComment(const Name: string; const Value: string): TAdSimpleXMLElemComment;
Public function AddCData(const Name: string; const Value: string): TAdSimpleXMLElemCData;
Public function AddText(const Name: string; const Value: string): TAdSimpleXMLElemText;
Public function Insert(Value: TAdSimpleXMLElem; Index: Integer): TAdSimpleXMLElem; overload;
Public function Insert(const Name: string; Index: Integer): TAdSimpleXMLElemClassic; overload;
Public procedure Clear; virtual;
Public procedure Delete(const Index: Integer); overload;
Public procedure Delete(const Name: string); overload;
Public procedure Move(const CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer);
Public function IndexOf(const Value: TAdSimpleXMLElem): Integer; overload;
Public function IndexOf(const Value: string): Integer; overload;
Public function Value(const Name: string; Default: string = ''): string;
Public function IntValue(const Name: string; Default: Int64 = -1): Int64;
Public function BoolValue(const Name: string; Default: Boolean = True): Boolean;
Public function FloatValue(const Name: string; Default: Extended = -1): Extended;
Public procedure BinaryValue(const Name: string; const Stream: TStream);
Public function LoadFromStream(const Stream: TStream; AParent: TAdSimpleXML = nil): string;
Public procedure SaveToStream(const Stream: TStream; const Level: string = ''; AParent: TAdSimpleXML = nil);
Public procedure Sort;
Public procedure CustomSort(AFunction: TAdSimpleXMLElemCompare);


Public property Parent: TAdSimpleXMLElem read FParent write FParent;
Public property Item[const Index: Integer]: TAdSimpleXMLElem read GetItem;
Public property ItemNamed[const Name: string]: TAdSimpleXMLElem read GetItemNamed;
Public property Count: Integer read GetCount; Logo

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