Checking out Andorra 2D with CVS
I thought having a short guidance for getting the latest version of Andorra2D would be a huge advantage, as it took me some time to figure it out. So here it is.
It's a precondition to have a CVS client which is able to fetch the files from the repository. I chose TortoiseCVS. It integrates into the Explorer's context menu and even allows creating a repository of your own. It can be found here.
After downloading and installing the application you should create an empty folder in which the files are to be stored. Open this folder and choose "checkout" in the context menu.
Now the files for the repository are requested. These are shown in picture 2 using the example of Andorra. The username used is Anonymous and the password is empty. Thereby you only have read-only access. Only registered administrators of the project have writing privileges via SSH.
Clicking OK starts the process. The minimal output is shown on the following picture.
If files change now, they are shown in green colour with a U for update. That's it. If you want to bring Andorra up-to-date in the future, you only have to go to the directory and click "Update" or "Refresh CVS locally" in the context menu.
I hope I was able to clarify some questions with this.
Codewalker (Thomas Hummes)
Translation by 3_of_8 (Manuel Eberl)
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