Description | uses | Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records | Functions and Procedures | Types | Constants | Variables |
Contains particle system classes and types.
Name | Description |
record TAdParticleData |
TAdParticleData is internally used by TAdParticleCalculationThread, TAdParticle and TAdParticleSystem to exchange vertex/index data between them. |
Class TAdParticleList |
A list managing the particles. |
Class TAdParticle |
The main, abstract particle class. |
Class TAdParticleParameter |
Represents a "variation value" of TAdStdParticle. |
Class TAdStdParticle |
A standard particle class that implements the behaviour of a base particle. |
Class TAdBillboardParticle |
A particle class extending TAdStdParticle that uses billboard sprits for drawing the particles and therefore supports rotation and scaling. |
Class TAdParticleCalculationThread |
Class TAdXMLColorList |
Class TAdParticleSystem |
procedure RegisterParticleClass(AClass: TAdParticleClass); |
PAdParticleData = ˆTAdParticleData; |
TAdParticleClass = class of TAdParticle; |
RegisteredParticleClasses: TStringList; |
procedure RegisterParticleClass(AClass: TAdParticleClass); |
Registers a new particle class, which can then be used in the editor and loaded from XML |
PAdParticleData = ˆTAdParticleData; |
Pointer on TAdParticle data. Used to prevent the compiler magic to create a copy of TAdParticleData when exchanging between the modules. |
TAdParticleClass = class of TAdParticle; |
Class of TAdParticle. Used for registering purposes. |
RegisteredParticleClasses: TStringList; |