Unit AdParticles

DescriptionusesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


Contains particle system classes and types.


Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
record TAdParticleData TAdParticleData is internally used by TAdParticleCalculationThread, TAdParticle and TAdParticleSystem to exchange vertex/index data between them.
Class TAdParticleList A list managing the particles.
Class TAdParticle The main, abstract particle class.
Class TAdParticleParameter Represents a "variation value" of TAdStdParticle.
Class TAdStdParticle A standard particle class that implements the behaviour of a base particle.
Class TAdBillboardParticle A particle class extending TAdStdParticle that uses billboard sprits for drawing the particles and therefore supports rotation and scaling.
Class TAdParticleCalculationThread  
Class TAdXMLColorList  
Class TAdParticleSystem  

Functions and Procedures

procedure RegisterParticleClass(AClass: TAdParticleClass);


PAdParticleData = ˆTAdParticleData;
TAdParticleClass = class of TAdParticle;


RegisteredParticleClasses: TStringList;


Functions and Procedures

procedure RegisterParticleClass(AClass: TAdParticleClass);

Registers a new particle class, which can then be used in the editor and loaded from XML


PAdParticleData = ˆTAdParticleData;

Pointer on TAdParticle data. Used to prevent the compiler magic to create a copy of TAdParticleData when exchanging between the modules.

TAdParticleClass = class of TAdParticle;

Class of TAdParticle. Used for registering purposes.


RegisteredParticleClasses: TStringList;

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