Unit AdDLLExplorer

DescriptionusesClasses, Interfaces, Objects and RecordsFunctions and ProceduresTypesConstantsVariables


Lets you search for all Andorra 2D Plugin libraries within a specific directory


Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class EAdNoPluginFound Exception that is raised when no plugin is found by the "DefaultPlugin" method.
Class TAdDLLExplorer A class, which lets you search for all Andorra 2D Plugin libraries within a specific directory.

Functions and Procedures

function DefaultPlugin: string;


TAdDLLExplorerCallBack = procedure (DllFileName:string; DllInfo:TAd2DLibInfo) of object;


Functions and Procedures

function DefaultPlugin: string;

Returns the first plugin library that has been found in the given directory


TAdDLLExplorerCallBack = procedure (DllFileName:string; DllInfo:TAd2DLibInfo) of object;

A callback procedure for TAdDllExplorer

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