Description | Hierarchy | Fields | Methods | Properties |
type TAdLinkedList = class(TObject)
A linked list class.
Tag:integer; |
constructor Create; |
destructor Destroy; override; |
function Add(AItem:Pointer):Integer; |
procedure Insert(AIndex:integer;AItem:Pointer); |
function Remove(AItem:Pointer):boolean; |
function Delete(AIndex:integer):boolean; |
function IndexOf(AItem:Pointer):integer; |
function First:Pointer; |
function Last:Pointer; |
procedure Clear; |
procedure StartIteration; |
function ReachedEnd:boolean; |
function GetCurrent:Pointer; |
property Count: Integer read FCount; |
property Items[Index:integer]: Pointer read GetItem write SetItem; |
Tag:integer; |
Don't now what this is for... |
constructor Create; |
Creates an instance of TAdLinkedList. |
destructor Destroy; override; |
Destroys the instance of TAdLinkedList |
function Add(AItem:Pointer):Integer; |
Adds an item to the list and returns its position. |
procedure Insert(AIndex:integer;AItem:Pointer); |
Inserts a item on a specific place in the list. |
function Remove(AItem:Pointer):boolean; |
Removes an item from the list. |
function Delete(AIndex:integer):boolean; |
Delets an item with a specific index from the list. |
function IndexOf(AItem:Pointer):integer; |
Returns the index of a specific item. |
function First:Pointer; |
Pointer to the first item. |
function Last:Pointer; |
Pointer to the last item. |
procedure Clear; |
Deletes all entries in the linked list. |
procedure StartIteration; |
Resets the iterator. |
function ReachedEnd:boolean; |
Returns true, if the iterator reached the end of the list. |
function GetCurrent:Pointer; |
Returns the current item of the iterator and steps to the next item. |
property Count: Integer read FCount; |
Returns the count of elements in the list |
property Items[Index:integer]: Pointer read GetItem write SetItem; |
Direct access the the items. Don't use in time-critical cases. |